- I have too many things to study!
- So much to do and so less time!
- I read, re-read and re-re-read but don't understand!
- Topics that I read and understand, I am not able to recall during exam!
- Should I understand concepts or just mug up?
Aren't these common problems students or even you and I have?
Here are 8 KILLER Cheats to help improve your brain's capacity. These tips will practically "EXPAND" your brain, seriously!!!
- Focus: Whenever, wherever, whatever you are studying for howmuch ever time - remain FOCUSED. You mind will play tricks. You will feel hunger or you will hear a whatsapp notification. You may remember to return a dress that you borrowed or just feel bored. Just tell yourself - nothing doing. Let's study for just this slot!
- Take breaks: Now you may say that how can I be FOCUSED for hours? No, you shouldn't. In fact if you did, your brain will be tired. Apply something that we spoke earlier - A Pizza Technique to study. Take shorter breaks. Give your brain some rest before you put it back at work. It helps and it works wonders! Try it to believe it.
- Read and Link: As you keep reading, in your mind keep drawing pictures of what you read. And not just draw but link those pictures together. E.g. Let's say you are learning about a Shelter Belt. It says something like "A windbreak (shelterbelt) is a plantation usually made up of one or more rows of trees or shrubs planted in such a manner as to provide shelter from the wind and to protect soil from erosion". As you read, imagine plants planted at the boundary that is protecting crops.
- Link and Draw: As you done linking, pull a pen and paper. DRAW what you imagined. Doesn't matter how good you are at drawing. Just draw something that you can use to mimic the picture in your mind. Draw all smaller things in the picture too. Grass leaves, clouds, wind blowing, birds in the sky, flower and the main picture of crop and big plantation.
- Draw and smile: Now comes the crucial part. As you watch your drawing imagine it has come to life and the bird flew away from your picture. The trees planted at the boundary growing tall and hitting the sky. Just a couple of such imagination to help you make smile.
- Revise: You are almost done. Next thing to do is to revise. Go over the concept you just studied once more. Repeat what you did - however no need to draw again. Just Read, Link, Smile :). It helps get it stored in your brain deeper. If you can revise this concept again just before exam using the same picture, you will do awesome!
- Discuss with others: A bonus will be when you discuss what you have learned with one of your friend, or parent or sibling or may with YOURSELF. This is a bonus step that will take you a little closer to remember even MORE and BETTER.
Friends, at the end, remember to enjoy your studies. Find out how your study links with what you like. For example somebody who loves playing cricket will be able to find similarity between Shelter Belt and Cricket Pads. Pads shelter legs from ball hitting them. Shelter Belt does so with crops! Amazing, isn't it? Enjoy!!!